Jargan Gardens
Don Smith is an avid gardener and garden designer. Don was 2015/2016 President of Weymouth Garden Club in Weymouth, MA, and has spent many years designing and caring for gardens. Don’s style is loose, abundant, and natural. When possible, Don uses no-till methods and only uses pesticides and fertilizers in extreme conditions. Save a plant; save the world! Some of Don’s gardens can be seen below. Click on the image to enlarge.
Jargan Farm Gardens
Jargan Farm believes manageability and diversity are critical to the success of small local farming and to the operational success of Jargan Tiny Farms. Jargan Gardens are under development to provide high quality cut flowers to the community.
Jargan Farm Peony and Baptisia beds were planted in October of 2016. This photo shows 185 peony plants and 25 Baptisias. Patience is an important value in gardening. The first peony harvest is expected in June 2020. Baptisias, known as false indigo, are herbaceous perennials. Light harvest expected summer of 2019. Jargan plans to add Winterberry shrubs near the marshy areas of the farm in the fall of 2018.
Jargan Tiny Farms will consider project proposals related to a variety of farming and farm-related activities. The following items are projects that may fit well into Jargan Tiny Farms model.
Berry Orchard
Jargan Farm is planning to start a small specialty Berry Orchard featuring gooseberries and currants. The Berry Orchard is not currently scheduled for planting. This may be a Jargan Tiny Farms opportunity.
Greenhouse / Hoop House
Greenhouse and/or hoop house operations are a highly desirable addition to Jargan Gardens. No installation is scheduled at this time. Hoop house and greenhouse operations and management may be a Jargan Tiny Farms opportunity.
For more information on Jargan Tiny Farms, please visit the Jargan Tiny Farms link from the menu.