
Industrial Farm Chickens

The industrial chicken industry is not known for its humane treatment of chickens.  In both layer (egg) and broiler (meat)  farms, chickens are frequently overcrowded in disrespectful conditions.  Many live short lives in tiny caged spaces.  Air quality is often  poor and health issues can be rampant.  Many chickens are subjected to mutilation through debeaking.  Even “cage free” chickens are housed en masse in enclosed indoor spaces.  Industrial chickens live short and difficult lives.  

Small Farm and Backyard Chickens

Chickens make good pets.  As pets, they can be friendly and attentive; they often have entertaining habits and personalities.  Hens produce eggs with or without roosters.  There are costs as with any pet.  Backyard and small farm owners should  be aware and prepared to meet the needs and challenges of a small flock. Eggs will be produced, but will not likely cover all costs.  As with any pets, there are pros and cons to keeping chickens.

Unlike most industrial farms, small farm and backyard chicken flocks can be managed humanely and respectfully.  Chickens should be given ample space, fresh air and good circulation, and even free range access.  Humane and healthy care practices, food variety, and access to indoor and outdoor spaces produce healthy and happy birds. 

Jargan Farm Chickens

Chickens are be classified in several primary purpose categories including meat, egg, dual purpose, and ornamental.  All chicken breeds cross over categories.  Jargan Farm manages a small flock of dual purpose chickens.  Jargan Farm chickens have ample indoor and outdoor space and are allowed access to free range. (In development)


Buckeyes are the only breed developed wholly by a woman. In 1896,  Nettie Metcalf of Warren, Ohio bred Barred Plymouth Rocks; Buff Cochins; and black-breasted, red game birds to produce the first Buckeyes.  Buckeyes have deep, mahogany red and slate feathering, are active and friendly, and lay medium to large brown eggs.  Buckeyes are extremely cold hardy, are known to be good mousers, and perform best with free range access.   Buckeyes are on the Livestock Conservancy’s Watch list.


Brahmas come in three color combinations: light, dark, and buff.  Brahmas are known as the King of All Poultry due their great size , strength, and vigor.  Brahmas are a very old breed with some controversy regarding their origin. 

Brahmas are superior winter layers of medium brown eggs and are ideal for cold climates.  Brahmas are listed as Recovering by the Livestock Conservancy.

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